вторник, 23 января 2018 г.


-Dave Cornthwaite  has a Guinness record is not it?- Maria
Yes, of course, he beat Guinnes World Record.

-Are Dave Cornthwaite from Wales?- Dasha U.
Yes, he did. He was born in Whales and live in Whales.

-On what day Dave, set Ginnues World Record?- Katya
He set Ginnues World Record on 22nd, Juanary, 2007

-Who skated 5,823?- Sima
Dave Cornthwaite was skated 5,823 kilometres.

-How much money did the man get one million, or more?- Kirill
Dave get no more money then million, but he get about 74,000 euro.

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